Thursday, July 25, 2013

Rachel's Wedding and Job Opportunities

Hello, so I'm back...

My baby sister is getting married in 292 days, 14 May 2014 to be exact.

She has the house sorted and en route to getting it redecorated to her taste but not too many wedding plans sorted, or that I know of!

I have been informed bridesmaid dress shopping begins in September, so I have just over one month to lose 5 stone...  yes that is TOTALLY going to happen :\  Maybe left the weight-loss regime a tad too long but sure, dresses can easily be taken in if I continue to lose as the date approaches.


I have also been recruited by the Belfast Health and Social Care Trust to be a Band 2 Ward Clerk in the Royal Belfast Hospital...  so excited!  I interviewed for a waiting list back in January but never heard much from them again until a few weeks ago when a withheld number rang my mobile and asked if I wanted the job.  Obviously I said yes and the lady said I could have a few days to think about it - tad unnecessary!!!

So I have sent away my AccessNI form for security clearance, third time this year!  My occupational health form as been received filled in, returned, assessed and sent on to my new employer and still my security clearance isn't complete!  Police service eh!

Must go - time for last nights "24 Hours in A&E"!