Friday, September 09, 2011

17 Days and Counting...

I start uni in 17 more days and i CANNOT wait!!! it's going to be a fabulous year, i just know it already! Going to work my butt off and get an awesome degree :)  Just need a fab bag and more "school things" :)

Got paid today too, lil £500 pay cheque.. gonna do me rightly, two more pay cheques and i'll be allowed my debit and credit cards back and might actually be allowed to go shopping for new clothes!!

oh have i mentioned, i'm down one dress size :) SO excited and oh so happy.. such a boost!  Seen a lovely top in Sainsburys tonight at work, so going to buy tomorrow with my allowance while i still have 15% off :)

SW this week.. want to reach my 2 stone target, need 2.5lbs off so really being hopeful and going to be oh so good, proper protions and lots of superfree food all week long.

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