Monday, December 19, 2011

Christmas Quiz

What Is Your Favourite Holiday Movie?
It would have to be White Christmas every single time.  I enjoy everything related to Christmas but the ending of White Christmas makes me cry every single time I watch it.

What Is Your Favourite Christmas Colour?
Red and Green OR Purple and Gold - they both scream "festive season" at me.

Do You Like To Stay In Your PJ's Or Dress Up For Christmas?
Always wear jammies when opening Santa presents but then I get dressed around ten o'clock prepared for the arrival of my brother and his wife.

If You Could Only Buy One Person A Present This Year Who Would It Be For?
My parents.  They do so much for me during the year that they are the only important people when it comes to gifts, in my eyes.

Do You Open Your Presents Christmas Eve Or Christmas Morning?
As a child, I opened them on Christmas Eve and Santa gifts on Christmas morning as I received so many, my mum could never keep track of who bought me what for thank you notes.

Have You Ever Built A Gingerbread House?
Yes, last year I built one with my best friend Stacey while listening to the "Home Alone" soundtrack acting like children.  It was fabulous and must be repeated.

What Do You Like To Do On Your Christmas Break?
Shopping, relaxing, drinking hot chocolate and marshmallows and watching far too many Christmas movies.

Any Christmas Wishes?
Just to continue successfully on my Slimming World journey and get to my ten stone goal.

Favourite Christmas Smell?
Mulled Wine, Yankee Candle Christmas Scents, Christmas morning turkey cooking and anything with cinnamon in it.

Favourite Christmas Meal Or Treat?
Actual turkey dinner followed by a chunk of Christmas cake and a huge mug of tea.

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